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Seior Capital Partners

Seior Capital Partners

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About us

Seior Capital Partners, based in Oslo, Norway, was founded by Trond Tviberg and Mads Andreassen in December 2021. The investment team launched the Seior Healthcare Opportunities Fund – a directional long/short equities fund, in September 2022.

The investment strategy utilizes a bottom-up stock selection process, with the core focus on fundamental valuation and incorporating several sustainability criteria. Before establishing Seior Capital Partners, the co-founders worked in a healthcare team for over ten years where they co-managed a market-neutral strategy and a long-only UCITS fund.

Our team

Chief Investment Officer

Trond Tviberg

Trond is a co-founding partner of Seior Capital Partners. He has worked within the financial markets since 1994, including Sector Asset Management, DNB Asset Management and Cowen International LLP. Prior to founding Seior Capital Partners Trond co-managed a global market neutral healthcare fund and a long-only healthcare fund.

Chief Executive Officer

Mads Andreassen

Mads is co-founding partner of Seior Capital Partners. Mads has experience from the financial market since 2004, including Sector Asset Management and Fondsfinans Kapitalforvaltning. Previous to founding Seior Capital Partners Mads managed a global healthcare equities fund.

Chief Operating Officer

Are Søberg

Are has experience from financial markets since 2006, including Sector Asset Management and Sparebank 1.

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